Sleeping in the summer
Summer has now really started, the evenings are longer and especially the mornings are pleasant. I feel a relaxed excitement all around me. We allow ourselves an almost un-Dutch lifestyle. We enjoy life uninhibited, cheerful and optimistic. I think we were all ready for a very nice summer.
Shirley and I have been live with SUITE702 for over two months now and we are optimistic too. SUITE702 is doing well. We receive many positive responses and we have already processed quite a few orders. Very cool when you hear that people really enjoy our bedding. That we have made something that makes people a little happy, that gives us energy.
But we too were ready for the summer. We have been live for two months, but of course we have been active for much longer. The two of us suddenly have to do things that we have absolutely no knowledge of; such as social media, building a website or accounting.
We learn a lot. For example, our daughter explained to me that you cannot follow more people on Instagram than you have followers, "that's not cool". Between nose and lips she asks me how we are doing "projectWhile my Mother is wondering what we are going to do if it all doesn't work out. Yes, that makes you sometimes quite insecure. "What did we get into?" I think. especially wants to make good and beautiful things and that goes very well.
Today I heard this Beatle song, and it fits so well with now, with us, with the weather, with you (I think) that I wanted to share it. Here Comes the Sun (and I say, it's all right) is such a nice uninhibited optimistic free song, enjoy it. Grab the summer with both hands, embrace the feeling. Don't worry too much. It's allright.
Since this summer is clearly there to enjoy, we would like to lend a hand to embrace the summer feeling. This special summer combination from wonderfully cool percale cotton, therefore now has a temporary 20% discount. The color combination of Camel, Khaki Gold and Silver Gray gives a wonderful Mediterranean feeling. Bring the sun into your home. Here Comes the Sun and I say, it's all right.
NB: the discount also applies to this set without fitted sheet.