5 questions (and answers) about how to keep your duvet in top condition

Enjoying life in bed. That's what we stand for. By properly maintaining your down duvet you can enjoy it for an extra long time. We would like to share 5 tips to ensure that your duvet always feels fresh and luxurious, so that you can enjoy a wonderful night's sleep.
Freshen up your bedroom every day by fluffing and smoothing your duvet. This way it retains its shape and stays beautiful for longer. It's also nice that your bed looks extra inviting. This will tempt you to go to bed earlier.
Create a healthy sleeping environment by ventilating regularly. Open windows or doors to let in fresh air and remove moisture. A fresh room also makes you sleep better and is good for your health.
Pamper yourself with clean bedding and keep your duvet fresh by changing it regularly. This way it not only continues to smell nice, but also retains its quality. Actually, there is nothing as nice as a freshly made bed.
Give your duvet some fresh air every now and then by airing it outside. Hang it over the balcony edge or over a chair on the terrace outside on a dry day. This way it stays wonderfully fresh and comfortable.
If your duvet needs a thorough cleaning, have it professionally cleaned. This way it stays in top condition and you can enjoy it for years to come.
These simple tips will keep your duvet in good condition, so you can dream away in luxury and comfort every evening. Discover more stylish bedroom inspiration on our website and create your own oasis of peace with SUITE702.
Enjoy the SUITE life